Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ethical architecture Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical architecture - Literature review Example Thomas Fisher, a professor in College of Design at USA mentions in his book ‘Architectural Design and Ethics’ that this concept offers a theoretical foundation including suggestions to the students of architecture as well as those related to this field as professionals. The concept of ethical architecture demonstrates ideas that make us rethink all those responsibilities that will further assist in designing more sustainable plans for ourselves. Fisher further clarifies the fact that today’s human being is living in a dynamic world where several exponential curves related growth can be seen like the diversion in global population, the gap between rich and poor, the growing demand of limited resources etc. So, keeping in mind all those realities, Fisher, put forward a hypothesis related to architecture and ethics and further explores that buildings can also do a great deal of work and can give moral and social dimensions. He also demonstrates the ideas through whic h architects can make more appealing buildings and will definitely nurture sustainability in the field of architecture development. Architecture and Ethics While representing the idea of architecture and ethics, Graham Owen depicts that ethics play a great role in architectural schools. Ethics are basically, related with the relations among architects, the clients as well as the society. These relations are formally codified and formulated by the governing organizations. However, it is a fact that, most often, less attention is paid to this corner. Usually it is overlooked how various ethics between architects and society can be generated and altered efficiently. Graham Owen further mentions the idea that ethical concerns in architecture sometimes become more controversial and crucial because of the religious beliefs. He mentions the quote of a famous architect, Elizabeth Schmidt who said that, â€Å"While of course everyone believes in good ethics, the problem with it as a pedagog ical principle is that it smacks of nineteenth- century moralism and therefore of religiously based instruction, I firmly believe in the separation of church and state.† (Owen, 2009. Pp: 3) From the above mentioned concept of Schmidt, it can be judged that to understand and learn ethics in the school of architecture is just to incorporate particular interpretations of ethics. Whereas an alternate approach defines ethics as the language of values and morals. Ethics do not relate with someone’s particular morals. However, later approaches shoe that ethics can better hold up professionalism and advancement in any particular field which might be education and architecture. In urban dwelling, especially schools of designs, designing and building complexities are basically focused along with the ethics of creative and technological progress. Ethical Function of Architecture: In addition to previous concepts, Karsten Harries further mentioned that architecture always performs an ethical function or have moral approach. For example a functional building with beautiful and appealing architecture will obviously render a beautiful impact and image in the mind of observers. So, this will depict the power of beauty as well. A building with rich architecture and ethical consideration will definitely leave long lasting image in the minds of observers. When we talk about the evolution of human being, we can see that human were first emerged as wild beasts with long bears, hair on their bodies, in woods living in cages and live along with fire. Later on time got changed and went on and on. People started changing their life style and became more and more civilized. They started learning various arts and ethics to pass better life. And these arts jointly give rise to ethical considerations and evolution of cities and cultures. Harries further elaborated several examples to clarify that buildings offer functional approach and provide a complete way to life to human as well as animals. Dwellings not only serve but

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