Wednesday, July 31, 2019

American Political System

The American political system is presidential type of system where the president is the head of state and head of government. There is the state government and the federal government; these two shares the sovereignty with the Supreme Court balancing their powers. The American system also has the two-party legislative and electoral system. The American political system is made up of three main branches which are the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. The executive branch is headed by the president and is independent of the legislature.The president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and exercise overall authority in the management of national affairs of the United States. The ideology of the incumbent President and the President's advisers largely determines the government's attitude in foreign affairs. The legislative power is vested in the two chambers of congress which is the senate and the House of Representatives while the judiciary comprises of the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts. The function of the judiciary is to interpret the United States Constitution and the federal laws and regulations.These include resolving disputes between the executive branch and the legislative branch. The American political system has always been dominated by two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party since the time of the American civil war. Other parties have existed but they have not been as dominant as these two. It is a usual view that the American political system is weak and disjointed. It is also a usual opinion that this was by deliberate design for the American founding fathers believed in limited government, and designed a system to ensure it.In a number of ways, it is certainly true that the American system is fragmented, if not necessarily weak. Many governmental functions that are performed by the national government as a matter of course in most countries are in the United States relegated to the states. In turn the states pass many of these functions on to local government. The standard form of identification carried by most people is a state driver's license, not a national identification card. Local police perform most law enforcement. They are not directly answerable, in a day-to-day administrative sense, to the national government or even the state government.Local government officials register marriages, property transactions, and much of the other fundamental administration of society. Basically the political system is made up of the federal government the state government and the local government; these include the state, the local, the county, and the town and village governments. (Bruce, 1997) Federal, state and local governments The federal entity created by the Constitution is the dominant feature of the American governmental system. Every person outside the capital is subject to at least three governing bodies: the federal government, a state and units of local governm ent.The local government includes counties, municipalities, and special districts. The federal government was created by the states, which as colonies were established separately and governed themselves independently of the others. Units of local government were created by the colonies to efficiently carry out various state functions. As the country expanded, it admitted new states modeled on the existing ones. State government States governments have the power to make law on all subjects that are not granted to the national government or denied to the states in the U.S. Constitution. These include education, family law, contract law, and most crimes. Unlike the national government, which only has those powers granted to it in the Constitution, a state government has intrinsic powers allowing it to act unless limited by a provision of the state or national constitution. Like the national government, state governments have three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The chi ef executive of a state is its popularly elected governor, who holds office for a four-year term (although in a few states the term is two years).Apart from for Nebraska, which has one-chamber legislature (known as a unicameral legislature), all states have a bicameral legislature, with the upper house usually called the Senate and the lower house called the House of Representatives, the House of Delegates or Assembly. In most states, senators serve four-year terms, and members of the lower house serve two-year terms. The constitutions of the various states differ in some details but generally follow a pattern similar to that of the federal Constitution, including a statement of the rights of the people and a plan for organizing the government.State constitutions are generally more detailed. (Bruce, 1997) Local government There are 87,000 local governments, including 3,034 counties, 19,498 municipalities, 16,500 townships, 13,500 school districts, and 35,000 other special districts which deal with issues like fire protection. To a greater extent than on the federal or state level, the local governments directly serve the needs of the people, providing everything from police and fire protection to sanitary codes, health regulations, education, public transportation, and housing. Nearly 30% of the people live in cities of 100,000 or more population.City governments are chartered by states, and their charters feature the objectives and powers of the municipal government. For most big cities, cooperation with both state and federal organizations is essential to meeting the needs of their residents. Types of city governments vary widely across the nation. However, almost all have some kind of central council, elected by the voters, and an executive officer, assisted by various departmental heads, to manage the city's affairs. There are three general types of city government: the mayor-council, the commission, and the council-manager.These are the pure forms; most c ities have developed a combination of two or three of them. (Bruce, 1997) Mayor- Council. This is the oldest form of city government in the United States and, until the beginning of the 20th century, was used by nearly all American cities. Its structure is similar to that of the state and national governments, with an elected mayor as chief of the executive branch and an elected council that represents the various neighborhoods forming the legislative branch. The mayor appoints heads of city departments and other officials with the approval of the council.He or she has the power of veto over the laws of the city and regularly is in charge of preparing the city's budget. The council passes city by laws that sets the tax rate on property, and apportions money among the various city departments for various developments that have been ratified by the council. Cities have grown and council seats have more often than not come to represent more than a single neighborhood. The Commission: T his combines both the legislative and executive functions in one group of officials, usually three and more in number, elected all around the city. Each official supervises the work of one or more city departments.One of the officials is named chairperson of the body and is often called the mayor, although his or her power is equivalent to that of the other commissioners. Council- Manager: The city manager is an answer to the increasing difficulty of metropolitan problems, which require management expertise not often possessed by elected public officials. The answer has been to entrust most of the executive powers, including law enforcement and provision of services, to a highly trained and experienced professional city manager. The person usually holding this office is a government employee sent to the council or city by the federal government.The city manager plan has been adopted by a large number of cities. Under this plan, a small, elected council makes the city laws and regula tions and sets policy, but hires a paid administrator, also called a city manager, to carry out its decisions. The manager draws up the city budget and supervises most of the departments. Usually, there is no set term; the manager serves as long as the council is satisfied with his or her work(Bruce, 1997) County government The county is a subdivision of the state, sometimes containing two or more townships and several villages.New York City is so large that it is divided into five separate sections, each a county in its own right In most U. S. counties, one town or city is designated as the county seat, and this is where the government offices are situated and where the board of commissioners or supervisors meets. The board collects taxes for state and local governments; borrows and appropriates money; fixes the salaries of county employees; supervises elections; builds and maintains highways and bridges; and administers national, state, and county welfare programs Town and village governmentThousands of municipal jurisdictions are too small to qualify as city governments. These are chartered as towns and villages and deal with such strictly local needs as paving and lighting the streets; ensuring a water supply; providing police and fire protection; waste management; and, in cooperation with the state and county, directly administering the local school system. The government is usually entrusted to an elected board or council, which may be known by a variety of names: town or village council, board of supervisors, board of commissioners.The board may have a chairperson or president who functions as chief executive officer, or there may be an elected mayor. Governmental employees may include a clerk, treasurer, police and fire officers, and health and welfare officers. One distinctive characteristic of local government is the town meeting. Once a year the registered voters of a town meet in open session to elect officers, debate local issues, and pass laws fo r operating the government. As a body, they decide on road construction and repair, construction of public buildings and facilities, tax rates, and the town budget.The town meeting, which has existed for more than three centuries in some places, is often cited as the purest form of direct democracy. (Bruce, 1997) Voting in America is by adult Suffrage which is nearly universal for citizens who are18 years of age and older. All 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, contribute to the electoral vote for President. However, the District, and other U. S. holdings like Guam do not have states' representation in Congress. They do not have the right to choose any political representative outside their respective areas.Each commonwealth, territory, or district can only elect a non-voting delegate to serve in the House of Representatives. Voting rights are sometimes restricted as a result of felony conviction, but such laws vary widely by state. Election of the president is an indir ect suffrage: Voters vote for electors to vote for President. The voters who elect a president are usually called the Electoral College. A candidate may have the majority of votes but looses in the Electoral College, this candidate is deemed to have lost the elections to the candidate who wins more votes in the Electoral College.Finance In order to participate in winning elections, especially in Federal elections it requires large amounts of money. The money is usually used for television advertising. This money is always very hard to raise. Candidates raise their money by appealing to a mass base. Both the two major parties normally depend on wealthy donors and organizations. Traditionally the Democrats depend on contributions from organized labor while the Republicans rely on business donations. Democrats' business donations have surpassed those from labor organizations.This dependency on donors is contentious, and has led to laws limiting spending on political campaigns being ena cted. Opponents of campaign finance laws challenge campaign finance laws on the grounds that they attempt to evade the people's constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Even when laws are upheld, the complication of compliance with these laws requires careful and cautious drafting of legislation, leading to laws that are still fairly limited in scope. (Bruce, 1997) Voting There is the primary election.This is an election in which voters in a jurisdiction select candidates for an ensuing election. Primary elections are one means by which a political party nominates candidates for the following general election. â€Å"Primaries† are widespread in the United States where their beginning is traced to the progressive movement. The primary elections are conducted by the government on behalf of the parties. Elsewhere in the world, the nomination of candidates is usually the responsibility of the political party organizations themselves and does not involve the general public.Besides prim aries, other ways that parties may choose candidates include caucuses; conventions and nomination meetings. There are several types of primaries. These include the open, semi open, closed semi closed. There is also the blanket type. In the closed type voters vote in a party's primary only if they are registered members of that party. Independents cannot participate. In Semi-closed, as in closed primaries, registered party members can vote only in their own party's primary. Semi-closed systems, however, allow unaffiliated voters to participate as well.Depending on the state, independents either make their choice of party primary privately, inside the voting booth, or publicly, by registering with any party on Election Day. In an open style a registered voter may vote in any party primary regardless of his own party affiliation. When voters do not register with a party before the primary, it is called a pick-a-party primary because the voter can select which party's primary he or she wishes to vote in on Election Day. Because of the open nature of this system, a practice known as â€Å"raiding† may occur.â€Å"Raiding† consists of voters of one party crossing over and voting in the primary of another party, effectively allowing a party to help choose its opposition's candidate. The theory is that opposing party members vote for the weakest candidate of the opposite party in order to give their own party the advantage in the general election. In a Semi-open style each voter may vote in any single primary, but must publicly declare which primary she will vote in before entering the voting booth. Typically this declaration is accomplished by requesting a ballot.In many states with semi-open primaries, election officials record each voter's choice of party and provide the parties access to this information. In the blanket type the voters are allowed to vote for one candidate per office, regardless of party affiliation. The current Presidential primary election schedule is that it gives undue weight to the few states with early primaries, as those states often build momentum for leading candidates and rule out trailing candidates long before the rest of the country has even had a chance to weigh in, leaving the last states with virtually no actual input on the process.The counterargument to this criticism, however, is that, by subjecting candidates to the scrutiny of a few early states, the parties can â€Å"weed out† candidates who are unfit for office. (Bruce, 1997) Reference Bruce, E. J. (1997): Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: Greenwood Press; Westport,

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Water Concessioners Porters 5 Forces Analysis Essay

1. Rivalry among existing competitors- Low to Non-Existent. Since it is under concession agreement, there is no other water utility company that can engage any business similar to A Water Utility concessioner, unless granted by the government under special agreement and with full knowledge and approval of A Water Utility concessioner. 2. Threat of new entrants- Low to Non-Existent. Companies that may want to apply for the concession must first comply with government requirements and also must have a substantial amount of capital investment (around 6 Billion Dollars starting capital), not to mention the technical expertise to run and maintain a water utility company. 3. Bargaining Power of Supplier- Medium. Although the primary raw material of A Water Utility concessioner is water which is basically free, the materials used for distribution line maintenance and expansion are quite few. Though this is the case, A Water Utility concessioner still has a slight control on the pricing of these materials unless the raw materials for these items like resin, steel, alum coagulating chemical used in treating raw water), etc. increases. 4. Bargaining Power of Customer- Medium. This is due to the regulated tariff by the government under the MWSS Regulatory office which deals directly with A Water Utility concessioner. 5. Threat of Substitute- Low. The small water refilling stations also get their water from A Water Utility concessioner. With regards to larger water bottling companies, this is just a small portion of the pie which A Water Utility concessioner can manage to absorb. Other than water for drinking purposes, there is no substitute for A Water Utility concessioner’s service. In summary, the water service providing business of A Water Utility concessioner is very viable with very little or non-existing threats of new entrants and rivals, with a very manageable bargaining power for both suppliers and customers and virtually no substitute. As a business strategy, A Water Utility concessioner’s main goal is to provide outstanding service to its customers for both water and waste water services and become a world class water utility company.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Alternative Energy Sources Essay Example for Free (#3)

Alternative Energy Sources Essay What does a car, heater, and stove have in common? They are all powered by fuel sources. The most popular being fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are dead plant and animal matter that has been compressed and heated over millions of years. They are burned to create heat, which in turn creates energy. However, with heavy industrialization (agricultural and manufacturing), transportation, and personal energy use, our world’s fossil fuel supplies are rapidly depleting. Even more, fossil fuels pollute our environment. Scientists are on the search for alternative energy sources so the world can be weaned of its fossil fuel supply. Out of the many alternative fuel sources, I will be focusing on solar and wind power. Solar power is simply the conversion of energy from the sun into usable energy. Solar energy can be harvested in two ways: indirectly by using the heat of the sun and directly by utilizing its energy to turn it into electricity. What makes solar power so popular is the fact that it can be used anywhere that has sunlight. Solar power can be collected in 3 different ways: solar heat collectors, solar thermal concentrating systems, and photovoltaics. Solar heat collectors are collectors that are designed to absorb the heat from the sun. The most common ones are flat plate collectors that have a dark absorber plate that is covered with a transparent plate (usually glass). In between the two plates are pipes that are filled with heat-transferring liquid like antifreeze. When sunlight strikes the absorber plate in the collector, the heat is absorbed into the liquid, which is then passed through pipes to the water heater. When the liquid is finished being used, it flows back up to the plate where it is heated again and repeats the process. Solar thermal concentrating systems use mirrors and lenses to concentrate the energy of the sun into a small area to produce energy. The energy heats up molten salt in pipes that run along the concentrating system which is the power source of a generation system. The concentration system can make the liquid in the pipes heat up to 3000 degrees Celsius in some cases, which makes this method preferable for industrial use or electricity. Finally, the use of photovoltaics directly converts light from the sun into electricity at the atomic power. The system consists of a solar cell, which is made of semi-conductive materials like silicon. The solar cells are made to create an electric field. When the light from the sun hits the cell, the lectrons are separated from the atoms and form an electric current, which produces electricity. There are many benefits for using solar power as an alternative fuel source. 1) Solar power is constantly renewable. The energy from the sun will virtually never run out. 2) The sun is also available world wide so it is a power that everyone can use. 3) Solar energy is also very low maintenance; after installation of the systems there is barely any other work involved with it. In addition, 4) it is a silent producer of energy, even with the photovoltaic cells. However there are a few cons that go along with solar energy. ) Even though the sun is a free source of energy, the cost of solar cells can be quite costly with most cells starting a $1000 for one. 6) Solar energy can only be produced when the sun is out so that means about half of the day solar panels aren’t generating electricity. Lastly, 7) weather can affect the efficiency of the solar panels. Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useable form of energy. Wind power is used widely around the world since there is wind everywhere, however you are most likely to find wind power being used in higher elevations (such as hills) since that is where the wind is the strongest. Wind power is harvested with wind turbines. The process is pretty simple: the wind spins the turbines, which activates a generator, which converts the energy into electricity. Like solar power energy, 1) wind power is sustainable and renewable since wind will always be around to move the turbine. 2) Wind power is also free. 3) The land that the wind turbines are on can be shared for other uses such as farming. 4) Since wind power is available worldwide, the US can use the turbines as its own fuel source and free its dependence from foreign oil. On the negative side, 5) wind turbines can take up a lot of space. ) Even though it is a clean source, the turbines can be very noisy which may be bothersome to nearby communities. Lastly, 7) the cost of wind turbines and the generators are far more expensive than fossil fuels, which makes it a poor competitor cost-wise. With the depletion of fossil fuels, alternative fuel sources are the obvious choice for the present and future. Two of these sources, solar and wind power, are both revolutionizing the way we produce electricity, while benefiting the environment. Even though they both have a few cons, the fact that we have energy sources that are both sustainable and renewable is far superior to the latter. Alternative Energy Sources. (2017, Jan 25).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

EMC Certification for Portable Laptop Research Paper

EMC Certification for Portable Laptop - Research Paper Example Photos of the portable laptop (commonly also known as EUT = Equipment under test, for EMC testing requirements) is as shown below. The equipment conforms to the requirement of CISPR 16-1, CISPR 16-4-2, ANSI C63.2 and other required standards. Calibration of all test and measurement, including any accessories that may effect such calibration, is checked frequently to ensure the accuracy. Adjustments are made and correction factors are applied in accordance with the instructions contained in the respective manual based on lab accreditations such as FCC (602285)-USA, VCCI (Japan) and ISO/IEC (170025)-CNAS agencies (Refer to Lab Accreditations Table at end of report). There were no special accessories used during these test and there is no EUT modification or test standard deviation. Prior to taking the formal emissions data collected in this report many hours of pre-testing have been performed. The selection of the worst case system documented in this report was based upon this pre-testing. The portable laptop system (EUT) was set up as per the test configuration to simulate typical usage per the user's manual. When the EUT is a tabletop system, a wooden table with a height of 0.8 metres is used and is placed on the ground plane as per EN 55022. Associated equipment, if needed, was placed as per EN 55022. ... 4.2 Radiated Emissions 5. Electromagnetic Emissions Test 5.1 Line Conducted Emissions Test - Measurement Procedures Utilized for Conducted Emissions The portable laptop system (EUT) was set up as per the test configuration to simulate typical usage per the user's manual. When the EUT is a tabletop system, a wooden table with a height of 0.8 metres is used and is placed on the ground plane as per EN 55022. Associated equipment, if needed, was placed as per EN 55022. All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical actual usage as per EN 55022. The test equipment EUT installed received AC power through a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN), which supplied power source and was grounded to the ground plane. All associated equipment received power from a second LISN. For conducted emission test on telecommunication ports, a telecommunication port is connected by its signal cable to an impedance stabilization network (ISN). During the testing, the LAN utilization is in excess of 10 % and sustain that level for a minimum of 250 ms. The traffic rate is monitored by the program of NetSpeed. The EUT test program was started. Emissions were measured on each current carrying line of the EUT using an EMI Test Receiver connected to the LISN powering the EUT. The Receiver scanned from 150K Hz to 30MHz for emissions in each of the test modes. During the above scans under battery charging mode, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation. The EUT configuration and cable configuration of the above highest emission level were recorded for reference of the final test. - Conducted Emissions Test Data The following data was collected with a spectrum analyzer in peak detection mode, unless otherwise noted. Temperature 17C; Rel. Humidity

Ethical architecture Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical architecture - Literature review Example Thomas Fisher, a professor in College of Design at USA mentions in his book ‘Architectural Design and Ethics’ that this concept offers a theoretical foundation including suggestions to the students of architecture as well as those related to this field as professionals. The concept of ethical architecture demonstrates ideas that make us rethink all those responsibilities that will further assist in designing more sustainable plans for ourselves. Fisher further clarifies the fact that today’s human being is living in a dynamic world where several exponential curves related growth can be seen like the diversion in global population, the gap between rich and poor, the growing demand of limited resources etc. So, keeping in mind all those realities, Fisher, put forward a hypothesis related to architecture and ethics and further explores that buildings can also do a great deal of work and can give moral and social dimensions. He also demonstrates the ideas through whic h architects can make more appealing buildings and will definitely nurture sustainability in the field of architecture development. Architecture and Ethics While representing the idea of architecture and ethics, Graham Owen depicts that ethics play a great role in architectural schools. Ethics are basically, related with the relations among architects, the clients as well as the society. These relations are formally codified and formulated by the governing organizations. However, it is a fact that, most often, less attention is paid to this corner. Usually it is overlooked how various ethics between architects and society can be generated and altered efficiently. Graham Owen further mentions the idea that ethical concerns in architecture sometimes become more controversial and crucial because of the religious beliefs. He mentions the quote of a famous architect, Elizabeth Schmidt who said that, â€Å"While of course everyone believes in good ethics, the problem with it as a pedagog ical principle is that it smacks of nineteenth- century moralism and therefore of religiously based instruction, I firmly believe in the separation of church and state.† (Owen, 2009. Pp: 3) From the above mentioned concept of Schmidt, it can be judged that to understand and learn ethics in the school of architecture is just to incorporate particular interpretations of ethics. Whereas an alternate approach defines ethics as the language of values and morals. Ethics do not relate with someone’s particular morals. However, later approaches shoe that ethics can better hold up professionalism and advancement in any particular field which might be education and architecture. In urban dwelling, especially schools of designs, designing and building complexities are basically focused along with the ethics of creative and technological progress. Ethical Function of Architecture: In addition to previous concepts, Karsten Harries further mentioned that architecture always performs an ethical function or have moral approach. For example a functional building with beautiful and appealing architecture will obviously render a beautiful impact and image in the mind of observers. So, this will depict the power of beauty as well. A building with rich architecture and ethical consideration will definitely leave long lasting image in the minds of observers. When we talk about the evolution of human being, we can see that human were first emerged as wild beasts with long bears, hair on their bodies, in woods living in cages and live along with fire. Later on time got changed and went on and on. People started changing their life style and became more and more civilized. They started learning various arts and ethics to pass better life. And these arts jointly give rise to ethical considerations and evolution of cities and cultures. Harries further elaborated several examples to clarify that buildings offer functional approach and provide a complete way to life to human as well as animals. Dwellings not only serve but

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Philosophy of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Philosophy of Art - Essay Example This is where aesthetics sets in as a form of science. As John Keats most famously said â€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all Ye know on earth, and all you need to know† 1 Aesthetics is not an exact science. The term emerged in Eighteenth Century to describe a number of various things and contemplates various theories that pertain to the conception of judgment in terms of artworks and all other objects it encompasses. It is a value and an experience concurrently or simultaneously. In the process, aesthetics is often regarded coinciding with the concept of taste. During the early years of aesthetics, beauty is something instantaneously judge for. This is best perceived in the rationalization of beauty that we experience regularly.2 This is something that is apparent from a day to day basis. It is determined by a number of things as taste may be varied from person to person but there is always that sense of uniformity in the general population of what is beautiful a nd what is not. From being delineated to the definition of the philosophy of art, subsequent years yielded focus on its value and experience in relation to the aesthetic attitudes. As a subject, Aesthetics is very vast and covers many aspects. The philosopher Immanuel Kant was the first to give a more thorough discussion of what the philosophy of art is. Kant primarily regards that the content is not the main interest of aesthetics and this is equated as a formalist point of view. Art is impure because it has concept and that even in nature it is only through our cognitive ability that we are able to enjoy parts and pieces of it and thus this is freedom. But Kant is quick to add that not every piece of art contains this. This theory of pure beauty contains four aspects; 1. it contains no concept, 2. it is objective, 3. the spectator’s disinterest and, 4. it is obligatory.3 The basic concept in the need for art is the pleasure that is derived from beauty. This is ultimately wh at we know as aesthetic pleasure. â€Å"Kant locates aesthetic judgment halfway between the logically necessary (an example would be mathematical theorems) and the purely subjective (expressions of personal taste).†4 For example, the opinion that something is beautiful as personally perceived by a person is essentially a subjective point of view based on that person’s cognitive sense of what is actually beautiful. Yet it is concomitantly not subjective because the delight derived from it has reason to be the same way with somebody else. If someone sees something beautiful and takes pleasure from, then, shares this with another person is the full circle of the philosophy of art. Beauty does not end in its mere existence, the same must be appreciated and this begins with subjectivity. Another important aspect of art is the emotion that goes along with it. Many regard that this is the most important part of art and what makes it a truly human experience. It is the way tha t a piece of art makes an impact in its audience that determined whether or not it has achieved what it is meant to be able to do. Pleasure which is the most basic explanation for the existence of art is called ‘expressivism.’ This theory, which is applicable in all art media exemplifies the value of feelings as invested in the artwork by its creator. Leo Tolstoy, among the best novelist of all time, theorizes that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Individual article analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual article analysis - Essay Example How a person sees oneself along these lines helps marketers to speculate the kind of products that may appeal to the person. However, the way a person perceives oneself is often far from reality(Gration, Raciti and Arcodia 650). This paper reviews the article by the title above. Brands confer value to consumers in multiple ways(Khare and Handa 63). One way is by enhancing the personality of their user. Besides functional attributes, the non-functional features of the product may determine the consumers decision to buy or not to buy. The article under review reports the findings of the research that explored the degree to which self-concept and brand personality interact to influence how a consumer evaluates brands and arrives at purchase decisions. The research involved a number of secondary school students whose individual self-concept was measured using a scale developed by Malhotra in 1981. The respondents were then made to evaluate one out of three imaginary brands of mobile phones, rate the brand on the basis of the general quality then indicate whether or not they would buy the phone. Having set the stage, the authors proceed to define key concepts in their paper. These are self-concept, personality and Indian youth. They contend that self-concept studies have understood the concept as being multi-dimensional(Khare and Handa 64). The concept enables the consumer to evaluate oneself under different circumstances. Most self-concept studies, they report, have focused on explaining why a consumer buys one brand of a product and not the other. It is crucial that marketers comprehend and appreciate the impact of self-concept, both individual and social, on purchase decisions. Self-concept studies have been based on the hypothesis that the way a consumer sees oneself influences the types of brands they buy. Brand personality entails giving brands human characteristics. For example, a car manufacturer

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Book Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Book Report - Assignment Example These were evident in Clinton’s reign where its continual change extended to the current Obama’s regime. Clinton disputed the former policies that yielded to severe stress to the middle class. Hence, contending that, most Americans are working hard for less (p. 324). Therefore, the only way to recover your security and to broaden your horizons is to adapt the change – to embrace, to move forward. Additionally, he argued that Reaganomics then flourished due to the low innovation of other states and America’s economic power, which was then declining. Since the tactics were becoming obsolete (p. 324). Clinton’s call for the Americans to adapt to change entailed in all classes besides extending it to the future generations. He argued that, the only way we can recover the fortunes of the middle class in this country so that people who work harder and smarter can, at least, prosper more, the only way we can pass on the American dream of the 40 years to ou r children and there children for the next 40, is to adapt to the changes which are occurring (p. 324). Clinton’s exemplary action towards advocating change was via accepting to sign the NAFTA document meant to export boom to Mexico by tearing down tariff walls, which implied from then onwards there will be no job loss (p. 324). The main purpose was to support and even uplift the middle class’ status, if the America was to uphold globe’s reputation as the champion of freedom and equality. Communist’s collapse between 1989 and 1991 saw the dawn of the â€Å"Global civilization† where American leaders of both parties spoke of an American mission to create a global free market as the path to greater worldwide freedom, which was divergent to Reaganism (p. 325). This prompted the state to embark on the idea of WTO, but to the delegates’ astonishment, the meeting came to a complete halt owing to various key equality demands from the outside protes ting crowds. They demanded the review of the pressing concerns where the meeting ought to establish the relationship between globalization, economic justice, democracy, and freedom. (p. 325). According to the protesters, the key demand was the citizen’s welfare in all matters regarding economic empowerment coupled with equality and democracy. Therefore, World Trade Organization must be replaced by a dramatic and transparent body accountable to citizens not to corporations thus, No Globalization without representation! (p.326). Clinton while giving his speech during ushering the millennium advised the Americans to celebrate the change that has already occurred and willingly embrace it. Primarily, the change encompassed equality and freedom where while making his speech he noticed how the evening that house’s meeting comprised of audience emanating from diverse American representing diverse races. He contended that I cannot help but think how different America is, how di fferent history is, and how much better, because those of you in this room and those you represent were able to imagine, to invent, to inspire (p. 338-339). Therefore, B. Clinton stated that America ought to live together as brothers and sisters, celebrating our common humanity and our shared destiny†¦

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Women driving in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Women driving in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example Due to this, it should impose stringent measures to ensure that women do not drive in public and instead leave driving to men. Women should not be allowed to drive freely as men do and they should not drive cars in men’s presence as this contradicts the Islamic laws (Macfarquhar n.d). Due to this, any woman found driving in presence should be arrested since she would have violated the government laws and lack of respect of Islamic laws. On the other hand, I think women should be allowed to drive since driving is not a reserve for men (Wollstonecraft 56). Banning women from driving is a sign of an oppressive society that does not care about the welfare of other people. Additionally, with persistence discrimination and subordination of women in Saudi Arabia, women lack self –confidence and esteem. In this case, it will be difficult for Saudi Arabia to attain gender equality by the year 2015 as enshrined in the millennium development

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Personal Financial Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Personal Financial Planning - Essay Example Jeff has now 5 years of job remaining. The best way to utilize his resources to save the money for his retirement is to invest the amount to get a good return. So that he may have enough money to complete his post-retirement plans. Jeff is also having full National Insurance contributions and has some savings. He has won the lottery ticket prize of ï ¿ ¡800,000. Now he has to use the entire amount wisely because he has various plans to be fulfilled. These plans can only be completed by having proper use of the available cash. For that purpose, Jeff needs complete personal financial planning. Now Jeff needs to be very careful to use the money in such a way that he may fulfill his plans after retirement. Obviously he would like to use his money to earn some profit on it. The financial institutions are there to help such people. They offer different rates for the investment of 5-10 years and so on. They have different policies so one should be aware enough to choose his required package of investment according to the rates. He should deposit the amount for annuity and get the reward at the end of fiscal periods. In UK market, the present rate of pension annuity is about 40% and it also varies by institution to institution. So if Jeff starts investing his money for pension annuity then this activity will be fruitful at the time of his retirement. Moreover, statistics shows that there are chances of increase in the annuity rate in coming years. Normally the pension annuity period goes to the age of 75 in UK but mostly people avail the opportunity at the time of retirement i.e. 65. Though some people go for other options to hold their finance or maximize it. That is the remedial measure to adopt such steps during the job to secure the life after retirement. During the job, this may be the best way to save money for future. But there is another fact that if anyone at the age of 65, wants to utilize his annuity amount then there will be surely reduction of 1% in profit. This is the reason people go for other options. More the time will be; more the chances to get higher profit for annuities (Murthi, July 2000). All the people whether they are skillful or not, consider the financial planning a very important thing. With the passage of time people became aware of its importance. It’s not necessary that they have the knowledge to plan perfectly for their selves or not. The thing is that they have vision of the importance o f financial planning and they want develop a financial plan for themselves to save their financial resources for the future life. The advice of an expert financial advisor also helps the individual lot. A research study shows that only 13% people are known with the skills of financial planning. Everybody has his own preferred resources to identify the needs to plan for future life (Murphy, 2010). In Jeff’s case, we need to consider the rates of different institutions and compare their rates of annuities. The highest rate of return will be considered. Basically, the rates are linked with the period of time you are investing money for. If the time period is longer, the rate will be higher and vise versa. The investor gets the highest rate in the later years so that is the main purpose of pension annuity. This thing helps the individual to secure their future after retirement. So this will be beneficial for Jeff to invest money in pension annuity and make it more of the original . We can go for fixed annuity. In such annuity, the annuity is sure for some years e.g. we say that we have an annuity for 5 years. So it is the annuity in which number of years is fixed. The financial institution will make the payment at the end of that period. Jeff can get more of this plan. Another option is the Maximum Investment Plan offered by different

Grapes of Wrath Journal Essay Example for Free

Grapes of Wrath Journal Essay Connection (Family) As the Joads ride on their journey to California, they travel as a whole, one unit, one family. And on one night they camp off the side of the road, and run into the Wilsons, creating and merging into one large family, with one goal in mind, reaching California. But as the days of traveling continue, the family struggles to stay intact due to obstacles such as the staggering heat, lack of money, automobile breaking down, doubts brought upon by people who have been in California, and even death. But Steinbeck defines family as a unit with members who think of other members before themselves, and Ma expresses this idea clearly with Granmas death. The Joads have a connection where each member truly has someone to have their back when in need. Tom shares this with Casy and Al, Ma and Granma, Pa with Granpa and Uncle John, Ruthie and Winfield, Rose of Sharon and Connie, but then theres Noah who doesnt feel the same love which is one of the reasons that persuades him to depart from the family. They also have a structure in which Tom, Pa, Al, usually make family decisions and the eventually the final verdict is given to Ma. Overall, family is suppose to take care of each other when in time of need and work as one rather than individuals. Adaptation (Positives and Negatives) With the family traveling together, its evident that migration is a change that is supported and has to be overcome. And although the outcome of migration is suppose to be glorious, the journey to achieved the so call promise land gives the family a brutal beating of struggle, hunger, and even death. Granpa and Granma died due to lack of health and high heat, but then again the conditions were somewhat the same in Sallisaw. Then there was also the death of the Joads dog. With migration, the Joads needed leaders and this is where characters such as Tom and Ma come into play as the heads of the family. Tom in a way leads the men, especially Al, and Ma leads Granma, Rose of Sharon, and the kids. To conclude, adaptation or migration changed characters into leaders to lead the family to California but at great costs and struggle. Compassion Compassion is taking pity or seeing those in need and taking action in anyway possible to help them overcome their problems and obstacles. In Chapter 12, a general chapter, a story of a family of 12 who were forced off their land and had to carry their belongings in a trailer, waited on the side of the 66. They were eventually hauled by a man who took them to California and fed them. This act by the random stranger is compassionate because he sees the family in need of help and no way to get to California and offers to take them and even feeds them. Its one thing to feed 4 or 5 people but 12, it must come from the heart. With the Joads, they do the same with the Wilsons but the Joads are less compassionate because they use them for their car to ease the weight from their own car. Then theres also the part where a man enters a diner and begs for some cheap bread and the worker is pressured by the cook to be compassionate and give the man bread at a discount. Another example of being compassionate is when Tom comes back from his venture for a con rod with Al and Casy and meets up with the family at a campsite but are forced to leave. When Tom leaves, he walks by a women cooking and comments on how hed like some. The woman smiles and says when the foods ready, he can have some. Throughout the journey of the Joads we see that food is scarce yet this woman offers to share. And the final example is when the Joads decide to cross the desert leading to California and at the same time leaving the Wilsons behind. Pa leaves behind cooked food and money for them, knowing how hard their desert journey will be. We see a sweeter side of Pa rather than the serious and quiet Pa that is usually portrayed. Overall, compassion is still around even with such devastation surrounding folks due to the dust bowl and overproduction causing foreclosures, the AAA telling farmers what they cant farm. Many have lost their homes, land and past life, but some still ha ve their heart. Symbols (Biblical Allusions) One thing that made be think of any biblical symbols or allusions that Steinbeck could have used was when the Joads formally entered California just after running over a snake. The snake part gave it away due to it usually referring or having to do with the devil along with the desert part. When the Joads spent a night traveling over the feared desert, it made me  think what they went through so far. They lost Granma, Granpa, their dog, and separated from Noah. They were traveling by force through the desert on a low budget, with little food, heat anxiety, and were crowded in their old jalopy truck. With the desert, what comes to mind is the desert that Jesus traveled through for forty days and forty nights, and as he traveled he was tempted numerous times by the devil. And one thing to keep in mind is that God forced Jesus to walk and pray in the desert. As Jesus was forced to travel in the desert so were the Joads by the officer. I see the temptations as the conditions that the J oads were traveling with, lack of food, heat, little money etc. Just like the temptations from the devil, and the conditions of the Joads, they were suppose stop them from continuing on with their journey and to give up. But instead just like Jesus did, the Joads overcame the desert and won against the devil and that’s where the running over the snake comes in. Antagonists (People along the 66) Throughout the section, businessmen, state officials, land, and migrates who have been in California add on to the already challenging journey to California with their sound business, anti-farming seizes, mountains, discrimination, and doubts. In chapter 12, a tire store raise their prices because they know its an essential for family to keep going, and in this case, the salesman lies to the customer about the condition of a tire just to get an extra buck. Throughout the journey, the fear of high slopes and the desert scare the Joads and Wilson of stopping them from reaching the promise land. And along with the fear of nature not playing on their side, the Joads hear all the same stories of California not being what people thought it would be like. One man tells them that jobs are in a sense free labor or slave like work because so many are migrating to California giving an abundance of workers to employers, giving the the chance to give them whatever wages and they want. Thereâ€⠄¢s also stories about not being able to farm or touch any fruit on trees, stories that it’s not worth going. The Joads meet a couple of families who were heading back home east, away from California. With these stories and testimonies, it’s hard for the Joads to have confidence and faith in their journey and destination. Characterization (Tom) In chapter 13, when Tom pulls alongside the road where a family is camping,, the Wilsons, he politely asks if they have permission to camp along with them, even though the strip of land wasnt under their ownership. With this action we see how kind hearted and friendly Tom is even though he killed a man. Another example depicting his traits is in chapter 16 when he proposes a plan that will split him and Casy from the rest, in order to fix their truck and have the others move along. His proposal and plan show his leadership skills. Another example is when he attacks the one eyed man for giving up on life due to losing his eye. Tom expresses his opinion that whatever defects or disadvantages a person has that they should make the best of it. Overall we see Tom as a generous, kind hearted, leader, that believes everyone has the opportunity to make something out of themselves. Quote a Passage (Unity) â€Å"When this family meets another family on the highway, they share their stories of loss For here I lost my land is changed We lost our land.† (193). This quote is significant because it expresses the idea of unity that pushes the migrates to move as ahead as one. They share a common tragedy, the heartbreak of losing their land, home, or farm. A large part of the country is the same position, a dilemma, and the only solution is to head out west. And to do so, Steinbeck helps portray the families migrating as one by using â€Å"we† and â€Å"our† and if they want to achieve their prosperity, they must not only have the same issues but work together to solve those issues. In a way, the havok laid upon by the dust bowl, foreclosures, and overproduction can’t be solve by one individual but by the aid, work, and cooperation of many.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Thermo Answers Essay Example for Free

Thermo Answers Essay Answer 8:   I am not getting answer correct as the electron donor used by Alcohol   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dehydrogenase is NADH and FAD is not evolved in it. Answer 9:   FAD is used in neutralization of free radicals as it has higher oxidation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  potential than other and can easily reduced by free radicals. Answer 10: The answer will be when ∆ H=0 as based on equations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ∆G °=∆ H- T∆ S and ∆G °= -RT In Keq the value of Keq remains greater   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   than 1 when value of ∆G ° remains negative and that is only possible in two   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Condition 1) when ∆ H remains 0 or negative. And 2) ∆ H remains negative   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   along with ∆ S becomes 0. Answer 11:   Here rest of the answers is according to biologic standard for example H+   Concentration as all biological processes occurred at pH 7, the standard was taken as [H+] = 10-7 similarly biological processes conceder to be worked at atmospheric pressure 1atm. As per the standard convention concentration of each reactant was taken as unity or 1M. Since all three answer were part of the biological standard condition only answer d remains choice as the biological processes occurs at temperature 37 C (our body temperature) and not at 0 C. Answer 12:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Here   among all four compound only glucose -6- phosphate will not give rise to any energy but converted to fructose 6 phosphate in glycolysis, While 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate converted to 3-phospho glycerate and give rise to 2ATP, similarly   phosphoenol pyruvate   converted to pyruvate and gives 2ATP (both in process of glycolysis). Phosphocreatine act as energy storage in skeletal muscles where there is fluctuation in energy requirement, here in high energy requirement phosphocreatine converted to creatine by converting ADP to ATP. Answer 13: here answer is e, because if you see the reactions for the formation of Glucose-6 –phosphate 1 ATP has to be hydrolyzed in two step 1) first ATP gets converted to AMP and PPi by releasing energy equivalent to 45.6 kCal and as this reaction give rise to energy (liberation of energy) the value is indicated as negative (-45.6). In second step PPi again get hydrolyzed to Pi with energy release equivalent to 19.6 (i.e -19.6).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now glucose   converted to Glucose-6- phosphate by utilizing energy released from above mention reaction and it requires 13.8 Kcal, here the reaction requires energy and that’s why value is positive (i.e 13.8). In conclusion the energy balance sheet for formation of glucose-6-phosphate from Glucose will be -45.6-19.6+13.8 = -51.6 (favorable forward reaction as ∆G ° is negative) Answer 14: here the answer is e,   The free energy of ATP hydrolysis is depend on 4 parameters 1) ratio of ATP/ADP   (higher the ration lesser the hydrolysis) 2) pi concentration as being end product accumulation of it leads to more hydrolysis 3) H+ being slightly Acidic hydrolysis of ATP is depend o n pH (H+), and 4) concentration of Mg which act as cofactor for enzyme adenylate kinase which plays important role in ATP synthesis as well as ATP hydrolysis. Answer 15:   As the phosphate group transfer from ATP to other Nucleotide is catalyzed by enzyme Nucleoside diphosphate kinase, and this is a reversible reaction the dynamics of reaction almost remains in steady state. For example in case of higher concentration of ATP the reaction goes in forward direction by generating NTP and ADP, But   once ATP crises arises ADP converted back to ATP by the action of   adenylate kinase. In conclusion the ratio of two nucleotide ATP and ADP+ NTP remains constant and hence Keq remains around 1. Answer 22: here the total out put or free energy is calculated based redox potential of electron except – electron donor and hence for answer d it will be highest   ie   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢Ë†â€ E °Ã¢â‚¬â„¢= -0.219- (.320) = 0.529 V Answer 23: In all these above mention reactions conversion of PEP to pyruvate have highest free energy changes of -61.9 compared to other reactions for example ATP hydrolysis gives rise to -30.5, and 45.6 similarly glucose 6 phosphate gives -13.8 Kj/mol. This high energy is due to direct transfer of Phosphate group from PEP to ADP.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Role That Corporate Advertising Plays In Marketing

The Role That Corporate Advertising Plays In Marketing In recent years, a number of internal and external forces have urged companies to pay increased attention to the role that corporate advertising plays in marketing communications strategy. Despite this increased importance, a comprehensive view of current corporate advertising practices does not exist. In spite of the increased importance given to the role of corporate advertising, little has been done to provide management with an integrative view of the current corporate advertising practices. The objective of this study is three fold: 1) to find out key issues related with corporate advertising 2) importance of the usage of corporate advertising in an organization in the context of Singer 3) Critical review of the core message to be used for Singer and mixed media approach to perform corporate advertising. What Is Corporate Advertising? However, with the advent of modern corporations with multiple product and/or service offerings, a different type of advertising has appeared, the primary purpose being to promote the corporation. Corporate, institutional, or corporate image advertising has been defined with some very basic consistency since the 1950s but has broadened to include advocacy and issue advertising (Ewing 1982; Heath and Douglas 1986; Heath and Nelson 1985) and the current hybrid ads (Winkleman 1985), which blend product and company promotion. Corporate advertising may also influence consumers knowledge about products marketed by the corporation (Hartigan and Finch 1986;Winkleman 1985). Main Types of corporate advertising can be categorised as follows: Advocacy advertising Image or Institutional advertising Recruitment advertising Key Issues in Corporate Advertising There are many functions that corporate advertising can perform and most of the companies spend millions of money. Technically majority of companies dont know how to do advertising since they are being getting low results from corporate advertising. Some practices remain far behind their potential since marketing and advertising are used incorrectly. Extremely Expensive to Do a Better Job In the present situation carrying out a successful corporate advertising campaign can be very costly because it has many inbuilt components such as production, designing, etc. It is an additional large investment for the company which will not give proper results as the organization expects. e.g.- In the 2007 ICC Cricket World Cup, most of the Indian companies, many corporate pitched on the expected success of the Indian cricket team which involved extremely expensive endorsements, production costs and fowrad bookings in channels and match broadcasts. Indias early elimination at the quarter final stage, rendered many of the adverts unbroadcastable due to the anger that was built up against the team. On the otherhand, these monies, if channelled to consumer and trade promotions, would have had a far higher level impact on generation of sales. Credibility Large reach enable the organization to reap the benefits of corporate advertising. As an example a TV add might not reach the target segment since currently people avoid advertisements and they dont pay attention towards ads. Only one out of five consumers has a positive attitude towards advertising (InfoTrends, 2010). Also if the product distribution system is not in line with the advertisement (e.g, products are not available in those areas) itll be a huge cash outlay for the organization. This process must be statistical and focused if a company wants to become successful in corporate advertising. This can happen due to the following reasons: Organizations havent looked at their advertisements from consumers point of view and didnt share their unique selling proposition. Lack of consideration when selecting media which means organizations assume what consumer read, watch, or listen to is what their prospects enjoy as well. Opportunity cost is high when compared to other mediums such as social media and personnel selling which have large reach and better targeting abilities. Contrary to mass scale advertising, social meadia llows people to choose the adverts that are of interest to them and view / explore if it is of interest to them. This also drives search for more information and sharing with others, even if no action in terms of purchase is generated. Social media has been growing at a fast pace and it cannot be ignored by organizations. With Web 2.0 individuals get the opportunity to interact with each other about their personal experiences, buying preferences etc. The organization can convey the message to many target groups using social media at a lower cost and in a widely expanded way and this medium is very useful and easy to measure their advertising efficiency. Figure 1: Social Networking Growth by Worldwide Region Source:, 2009 Difficult to Measure the Efficiency Corporate advertising is a pull medium where organization cannot always expect it to translate into sales. Because cost per contact has been an issue for many organizations because the amount they spent hasnt effectively resulted in sales. There is difficulty in ascertain where the adverts pulled in customers vs those who would be attracted by the brand it self. Uncertainty of the Situation Corporate advertising will either be helpful to increase the corporate reputation or be misunderstood by the consumer which will lead to damage their image. This can happen due to miss interpretation by consumers about the company such as ethical issues. In such situations company has to bear a huge cost due to add withdrawal. Not Exciting, Not Addressing the Consumer Most ads are made on a one size fits all thus turning some viewers off. Corporate advertising can be very creative and give a nice, warm feeling but sometime it will make little or no effort to address the readers needs. Sometimes it will build the reputation but not result in purchasing. Organizations should stamp and convey their current or desired position in advertisements without stating the obvious. Importance of Corporate Advertising for Organizations and Singer According to research carried out it is evident that most of the companies havent identified the core essence of corporate advertising because they are entrapped with product advertising. Corporate advertising should brand a company the way that product advertising brands a product. Benefits of Corporate Advertising in General Corporate advertising is more efficient in building recall for a company name than product advertising and creation of a good citizen image through consistent dedicated effort. Frequent corporate advertisers rated better on virtually all attitude measures than those with low corporate ad budgets Reducing the Perceived Risk, Prompt Buying: From the past most of the reputed companies branded themselves due to usage of very strong advertisement slogans. Those slogans have been designed to influence consumer habits. These types of corporate advertisements are powerful than the visual product presentations as consumers are more likely to recollect the popular brand messages due to constant media exposure. e.g., In Britain, Glaxo Wellcome filled television screens in 1996 with the slogan, Man has no greater enemy than disease has no greater enemy than Glaxo Wellcome. (The Economist, 1998) Get Rid of Negative Perceptions: If a company is unpopular with or misunderstood by opinion-formers to an extent that it harms its business, that can be diminished through proper usage of corporate advertising. Articulate the Strength/Power of the Company A good proportion of spending on advertising may also signal to potential customers and competitors that a company is rich and important. e.g., Honeywell, another American giant, has borrowed GEs theme and is about to launch a more modest $4.5m campaign, showing how its mundane range of thermostats and controls touch peoples lives. (The Economist, 1998) Ability to Generate Corporate Contacts Corporate advertising will help to acquire more business consumer due to the popularity and reputation of the company. Business customers are more likely to be wooed by price, product range and personal relationships. Increase the Trustworthiness Corporate advertising, says its target audience is much broader than for normal consumer goods advertising. It is aimed at three specific constituencies: business customers; opinion-formers (investors, politicians, activists, media) who can influence share prices or strategy, and employees. Cherish subsidiaries and Enter New Markets Not only to enhance the parent company image, corporate advertising can be used to permit or encourage subsidiaries. Particularly where they are engaged in manufacturing operations-to identify themselves to their own customers, prospects and other important, local publics. Also this will enable the company to enter into new business/markets under the same name. Umbrella Covering By performing corporate advertising it covers all the products and services associated with the company and its strategy which always aligns with the mission and vision. e.g., General Electric spends 40% of its $100m advertising budget on this kind of corporate advertising. Its we bring good things to life campaign has been running for almost 20 years. (The Economist, 1998) Enhance the Goodwill: Corporate ads can be used to express their philanthropic, CSR and community idea which will be capable of improving their goodwill. e.g., New York Toyota launched a new corporate advertising campaign, highlighting the companys economic impact, environmental commitment, and social responsibility. Built around the question Why Not?, the campaign will include print and online ads, as well as a new television commercial directed by an Academy-award winning cinematographer. (The Economist, 1998) Exert a pull for New Hires Boost both employee management relation employee morale enabling all members of the internal public to discover a new vitality. Perhaps the best reason for corporate advertising is to reach employees. It can be a good way to attract bright new recruits. Essential Benefits of Corporate Advertising for Singer As explained above Singer will be able to obtain many more advantages by perusing corporate advertising in a meaningful way. One of the most important things that Singer needs to remember is that they need to follow the best practises if they want to improve corporate reputation through corporate advertising. Following are the key benefits they can achieve through corporate advertising-: Go after Singers target audience: Since Singers product advertising couldnt reach their target segments, corporate advertising can be the most effective way to convey the organization purpose of existence and values which will help to grab the attention of Singers potential customers. Highlight Singers competitive advantage: One of the keys to all corporate advertising is to emphasize the strengths of the company, those factors that give Singer to gain a competitive edge. Too many ads might be witty but fail to sell the benefits of the corporation unlike product advertising. Establish an image: As explained in the previous chapters Singer lacks the corporate reputation due to quality concerns and negative perception. But performing good corporate advertising with measure objectives will open a way to increase customer image, awareness and trust. Suggest you expand this area a bit more. Critical Review of Singers Tagline and Media Approach Singer has conducted few corporate advertising but, has spent millions for that purpose with product advertising. Singer sells their own consumer electronic products and global brands like JVC, Phillips, Panasonic, and Samsung etc. Since they are doing many businesses, corporate advertising is the best option available for advertising. As explained in the previous section about personality, Singer has been aiming higher end customers since they have less belief in the Singer products quality. Inconsistent slogans and lack of intelligent advertising has led to this situation which has in turn caused poor performance in some of the product ranges. If a powerful tagline can address a key issue, that would boost their reputation and image. (e.g, Adidas introduced its mainstream marketing slogan Impossible is nothing in the year 2004 with the intention to capture the essence of the Adidas brand.). In order to become successful in the future, Singer needs to deliver a simple, catchy core message in a consistent way using corporate advertising. The proposed tagline for corporate advertising is as follows Trusted Excellence Singer has been using this as a slogan but not for corporate advertising or product advertising. Since the tagline is very strong changing the context of the usage will add more value to the organization. Which means the way they have used should be changed. This tagline is very simple and most importantly it reminds the history of Singers long journey of 135 years. This core message communicates the benefits of customers who create intrigue, interest and attention and therefore it will be able to persuade consumers. This tagline shows the consumers can trust the company since they have been in the industry for such a long-time with consistent quality products and to draw their attention on a specific product which results in buying. Higher social class people who had negative ideas about Singer products will be persuaded by this message. Being a cost leader has harmed the Singer corporate image but proper usage of this message will help them to overcome it. With this tagline people will start to associate the communicated characteristics in the slogan with the products such as quality and olden gait. It will be highly successful in rejuvenating Singers image in the public and will also earn numerous awards. Singer as a whole will become a cult and can be the re-emergence of the company as an important player in the electronic appliances industry in decades to come. Recommended Mixed Media Approach for Singer Corporate Advertising is no longer simply about visual appeal. Particularly in this web 2.0 has become a vital ingredient of an organizations branding strategy, developing the right media mix holds the key to building powerful brand equity. Traditional Media TV, News paper, and Radio advertisements can be used in a corporate advertising campaign at a high level where they can express their idea in a more epic way but the cost might be really high. TV advertisements are one of the easiest ways to communicate the message more emotionally and visually. TV advertisements can be expensive but it can bring out the message what Singer wants to convey visually which will be evaluated below. Radio advertisements could also be done to spread the message to the mass population in a cheaper way. According to InfoTrend researches print medium ads are significantly doing better than other mediums. Figure 2: Global Ratings of Different Advertising Media Source: InfoTrends, 2010 Advertising through newspapers and magazines can be a very cheap option and it also can target the rural population as well as the high class people. Social Media Online Advertising Singers corporate advertisements should be posted on sites such as Cricinfo, Wow and social networking sites such as Face book, Linkedin, Online newspapers, Hit add online magazines etc. as these are the most visited sites by an individual in Sri Lanka. Source:, 2009 Source: www., 2009 Figure 3: Top 10 Social Networks Figure 4: Top Sites in Sri Lanka Use of social and internet media is very emerging which has been discussed above. The progress and the efficiency of their advertising can be monitored very easily (e.g., daily hit rate on the website). The segments which cannot be reached by the traditional ways can be targeted. Outdoor Advertising Singer competitors have been very active in these areas where Sony, Panasonic, Samsung are being doing many outdoor advertising campaigns. To increase the corporate reputation and build the brand equity this strong tagline can be communicated very broadly using this medium. Singer has to spend money carefully even if those mediums are cheap such as hoardings, road shows, participations in business fairs, exhibitions, etc. Strategic Films and Corporate Video Production This is been a latest and more important process in corporate advertising. Usually these kinds of media approach cannot be seen in product advertising. This has become necessary elements of road shows, exhibitions and other promotional campaigns and also corporate video production is a very important tool for branding an organizations corporate identity. E-Mail Campaigns E-mails can be used to spread their corporate advertising core message to consumers easily and cheaply. The graphically designed corporate advertisement can be placed on an e-mail and it can be sent to various people which might prompt an interest within the viewer of the e-mail. Significant growth in email and internet would enable to convey the message to a broad geographical crowd. Source: TRC (, 2009 Figure 5: Email internet growth (1995-2009 December) How they Deliver the Message Using the Recommended Media Mix The key issue here would be the upliftment of the image of singer SL in to that of a brand that sells quality electrponics vs cheap, meant fr lower income segments. The campoaign should address High quality, modernity and technology advancement affordable to all (not cheap) Thus the folliwng message is proposed to be carried out in key media. A well known super star like Lasith Malinga (Famous Cricketer) who has a good charisma within the country can be used to promote their corporate brand where people will start believing him and change their perceptions and result in buying products. For this purpose Singer can run a TV advertisement that features Malinga who is looking to his parents to get an advice to purchase a LED 3D TV, where his father reminds of the Old Singer TV at home, which is still working well. This advert if placed well, will drive that Singer products are not inferior in quality and they are highly trustable on performance with latest technology (Innovativeness). Social media such as Facebook and Youtube should be used and advertisement videos should be uploaded where people will be able to watch and give their feedback instantly. Also Singer can publish the reviews of popular people who are using Singer products in those websites with eye-catching images. Financial and Political Constraints of Recommendations In this section the only highly possible political (organization) and financial barrier which obstruct the successful implementation of corporate advertising would be discussed: Singer has not conducted much of corporate advertising which is a new concept for them. Processing developments will require change in terms of learning regarding corporate advertising. Due to proposed web 2.0 involvements the technological skills of the employees need to be improved to get the potential of the emerge of social media. Training and development should be provided to the employees for improving their creative and innovative thinking skills which will be helpful to corporate advertising. Singer carries out product advertising and conducting corporate advertising would demand more expenses which can be an additional expense. Physical resources such as vehicles might be needed additionally to carryout corporate advertising. Hiring a celebrity for advertising is an expensive affair since the person maybe well known and hence higher charges are applicable. There would be extra expenses inspite of product advertising been conducted in parallel.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Comparison Of Contemporary And Romance Literature :: essays research papers

A Comparison of Contemporary and Romance Literature   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contemporary literature in the form of a short story consists of a plot, characters, point of view, setting, and theme (2). These elements can vary a great deal from one story to the next. An author of a short story also reveals a tone and a mood shown by his or her style of writing. Although romance literature contains the elements mentioned above, they are very different than those in short stories and are somewhat static from one tale to the next. Romance literature is about the adventures of knights and the organization of chivalry (794). A romance does not take place in a normal setting, but in idealized worlds such as imaginary castles, gardens, or forests (794). A romance contains mysterious and supernatural events (794). Although there are many differences between contemporary and romance literature, the one difference that distinguishes them the most is the characters. A main character in contemporary literature leads a very different life than one in romance literature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Neighbor Rosicky is a short story of an old farmer, Anton Rosicky, reflecting back on his life. Early in the story, when Anton Rosicky is in the doctor's office, he learns that he has a bad heart and doesn't have much time left to live. He then returns home, plunges into a chair, and begins to sew. While he sews, Rosicky lets his mind run back over his life. He has had many memorable experiences. Rosicky has lived in London, New York, and now in Nebraska. Rosicky, formerly a tailor, now makes a living farming with his children. Rudolph, Rosicky's oldest son, has some trouble supporting his wife, Polly. Rosicky makes many sacrifices to help Rudolph's marriage stay together. He loans the family car and gives some money to Rudolph, even though Rosicky is very poor himself. Spring arrives, and his children are busy working the fields. When no one else is around, Rosicky, disregarding his doctor's orders, rakes some thistle plants out of one of his alfalfa fields, but the work is too tough on his heart. Rosicky dies the next day (48-71).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contents of the Dead Man's Pockets is another short story of someone analyzing his life. Tom Benecke is a workaholic who has a month's worth of his work scribbled on a yellow sheet of paper. The wind blows the sheet of paper out of his eleven story apartment window onto the ornate corner ornament of the ledge about five yards away. Tom climbs out of the window onto the ledge. Immediately after he reaches the sheet of paper, Tom looks down and becomes

Deutsche Bank AG :: essays research papers

Walker, M. (October 23, 2000). Deutsche Bank Plans to Make Its Retail Unit A Stock Outlet. The Wall Street Journal (pg A29-30) This article is about Deutsche Bank AG tried to sell its retail business in order to concentrate on corporate and investment banking six month ago and it is now working on a plan to change its retail unit into a pan-European outlet for stocks, mutual funds and other investment products. Today, top executives of the world's largest bank by assets, Deutsche Bank, are going to present their new ideas to their supervisory board. The board planned to consider the management proposals earlier this year before big steps were taken. The bank’s powerful investment-banking division Global Corporates & Institutions encourages the new idea. GCI oversees the retail network as a distribution channel to the growing class of wealthy Europeans who are changing their savings into stocks and investment funds. Mr. Breuer had been told to rethink his previous plan to sell a majority stake in Deutsche Bank 24 by the supervisory board. The bank's top investment bankers believe that retaining the retail business and focusing its efforts on selling investment products is profitable than traditional banking services. In addition, Michael Philipp, the manager of the Deutsche Bank's asset-management division, is also pushing the retail restoring to increase the sales of fund-management unit DWS, Europe's biggest mutual-fund company. These plans aren't limited with only Deutsche Bank 24, it is also for the group's private-banking unit, serving high net-worth clients because of its aggressive expansion as a European sales channel for the GCI and asset-management units. Deutsche Bank also plans to win retail customers in the United States. It was that was followed a bid for National Discount Brokers Group Inc. earlier this month. It is up to the supervisory board’s decision to accept the plan in order to keep the retail bank. On the other hand, they can oppose a strong shift away from basic retail banking. In today’s meeting, there may be an understanding that leaves Deutsche Bank still well established in traditional domestic retail banking, as well as the retail investment services that stimulate its GCI bankers. Deutsche Bank had budgeted $109.3 million to build up Deutsche Bank 24 in Europe in August that includes redesigning branches abroad, merging information technology and marketing the new business. Management consultants have expected that it would cost about 300 million euros to achieve credit across Europe in marketing.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Women and Marriage in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Pride

Women and Marriage in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice And they lived happily ever after... Or did they? Pride and Prejudice, a captivating novel written by Jane Austen, is the story of Elizabeth and her adventure challenging society and ending up deep in true love. Pride and Prejudice takes place in a town outside of London called Hertfordshire, where the reader follows Elizabeth, her friends, and her family as they search for love in the nineteenth century. The author writes of Elizabeth's journey of not only finding herself, but finding true love with Mr. Darcy in the end. Austen herself never married, something that was very untraditional for her time. She went against normalcy and knew that marriage was for love, not money as many people often recognized it as. This viewpoint from the author is drawn out for us through a major idea in the novel. The theme of women and marriage traditions in the nineteenth century is clearly demonstrated through many of the characters in Austen's novel. The opening sentence reveals the theme to the reader quite straightforwardly. Auste...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Father Goes to Court Author by Carlos Bulosan Essay

My Father Goes to Court is just one of the many short stories in Carlos Bulosan’s â€Å"The Laughter of My Father† which was published in the 1940’s in the United States. It is the most popular one, I believe. He wrote this story based from folklore in the Philippines and it has an underlying social commentary. It was said that this work is a protest against the economic progress of his time. This story shows the culture, traits and way of the Filipinos. In the Filipino context, this story favors the underprivileged families over affluent ones. It is supported by the part at the end of the story where after the father gave back the â€Å"spirit of wealth† through the jingling of the coins in the straw hat, the judge immediately dismissed the case. While it is not really true in this day and age because the poor has no fair fight against the rich, the idea behind it is not quite simple. Maybe the author wanted to show the issue the other way around, thus, using a reverse psychology. Filipinos are known to be light people. We don’t usually wear much burden on our shoulders. Well, we have a lot but how do we cope with every situation? By not taking it so hard, of course! In every problem, like poverty, even if they don’t get to eat much for the day, they are still smiling and laughing together and the family is still intact. Like in the story, the narrator’s family is a poor family, and yet, because they are not so sensitive, they get to play outside and laugh. In the rich family’s case, they are abundant in food and a comfortable lifestyle but are still not content with what they have and push others-like the poor family- to pay for it. In the real world, rich people tend to step down on the poor because they perceive themselves  more powerful than the poor. In the part where the judge asked the father where his lawyer was, and he said he doesn’t need one, it is seen as the turning point of justice in the Philippines. The law dictates that every citizen is given justice. But is it really the case? The law takes for granted the poor. Yes, the poor can’t afford hiring the best lawyers so the rich takes advantage of them. In the story’s case, the judge didn’t care to give him a lawyer where in the real world, if you have no lawyer, it is as good as loosing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay

What do the monetary value run away and ethnicity mean to you? Why atomic number 18 these concepts important to United States society? travel rapidly is unremarkably doctord by the pretense of a persons fight such as black, or white. These linguistic communication are employ very frequently. Ethnicity is a more proper way to define us as people and usu whollyy refers to our cultural background/ancestry.For example Africans, African Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanics. These concepts are important to the United States beca economic consumption of the diversity, and all walks of life, census plays a big role. Our ethnicity/race is what distinctively separates us from one another(prenominal) by groups. Also according to (Office Of trouble and budget August 28,1995) In 1977, OMB issued the backwash and Ethnic Standards for federal official Statistics and Administrative insurance coverage that are set forth in Statistical Policy Directive no 15.The standards in this Directi ve mystify been use for almost two decades throughout the national government for recordkeeping, lift upion, and presentation of info on race and Hispanic origin. The standards have been used in two decennial censuses and in surveys of the population, data collections necessary for meeting statutory requirements associated with obliging rights monitoring and enforcement, and in other administrative program reporting.Data collection agencies have legislative authority to collect racial and ethnic data needed for Federal programs and in the case of the decennial census, for redistricting. They also use racial and ethnic data for analyses of social, economic, and wellness trends for population groups. Basically it is important for them to collect this info for federal, business, and statistical reasons.Referenceshttp//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

African American and American Society Essay

Afri faeces Americans No consequence where or when a psyche lives, shinny color, beliefs, class, or narrative he/she leave al matchless bump a divergency in the fed eral agency e rattling cultural conference is transacted. This reality has neer been unclouded for anyone. disembodied spirit can track a psyche with the non bad(p)est of concern or it depart tr wash up a mortal as if he/she is disappoint than dirt. African Americans be no different. They dedicate impertinence up great hardships and triumphs passim the days. Since they had been coerce from their country of origin they cede been do by as if they had no safes or thoughts of their own. They were set(p) in the military position of slaves however though they were tender-hearted creations in addition.No upshot if they were ordaind in the minority concourse by the dominate majority conference of light Americans they remind structur bothy pluralism by retentivity to their belie fs and traditions. forwards and subsequently thr solelydom African Americans did non realise commensurate treatment. nevertheless when thraldom ended, Jim brag laws went into burden signification that the truly opera hat of e rattlingthing was close for washcloths single-school, jobs, neighborhoods, hospitals, and so on (Moore, 2008). In different words, the African Americans took the pendant post to the plethoric purity Americans.Their speed was utilize to dictate what pay fields they would be allowed to choose in America. At one point, they did not consume the indemnify to be palliate and all all over the years they were prone that right stand. heretofore though they re move oned their right to be free, they legato were not very free. They were only allowed to eat in definite fixs, drink from plaste redness fountains, and get on in the back of the bus. This is not what would be called very free. They were not dismantle assumption the opp ortunities to find oneself a whole tone training or to right to vote. With the 1896 dictatorial royal court conclusiveness in the nerve of Plessy v.Ferguson, the soften by follow philosophical remains was upheld, and the system of separationism in the atomic number 16 was securely in place (Merger, 2012, pg. 169). When it came to acquire a feeling teaching method, they were put at the puke of the totem pole. The whites turn around the ruff opportunities for receiving a forest education spot the African Americans were not. It was not until the browned v. identity card of grooming of capital of Kansas nerve that African Americans were allowed a damp education. illuminate schools were inherently uneven and impose an insufficient military position on nigrify children, causing irreparable psychological remove (Merger, 2012, pg. 173).The rights as citizens were alike being denied by not allowing them to vote and discover a becomely aliveness to s chool premeditation of theirfamilies. days ago, African Americans were not allowed to vote, so they had no affirm in the laws that were do that would disavow them their rights as American citizens or tender-heartede beings. This unplowed them from changing the laws that unbroken them from achieving sparingally and governmentally. The complaisant objurgate cause began a modernistic era for African American. It was their gain of the right to vote and be select to location that gave the whatsoever cater over their rights as human beings and citizen in the economic and political environment. pull down later on everything that the African Americans strike at peace(p) through, they dormant face disfavour and inequality in all aras of their lives. It is no love that for just ab let out it feels as if it is never over. No matter what a soulfulness looks like, how he/she talks, their beliefs, where he/she lives, how overmuch property he/she has, or what feed he/she may come from we all race red and where burn off from the comparable cloth. We all merit to pay back the opportunities and resources that are out at that place to benefactor break away ourselves. African Americans are human beings too and they nurture the kindred rights as everyone else.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Social commentary on The Kite runner

We be force by things that we strike, behold or describe on a workaday basis, and whether we go to pack in it or non they alternate the modality we savvy original topics. br nigh differently comment Is a great neck utilise by authors and/or artists to delineate c be to unproductive elements of a society. This is introduce in the all all either destinationowbolds carnal arise by George Orwell and The increase set- c e momentuallywheret by Khlaed Hosselnl.The wolf work Is an parable well-nigh a grow in which the animate cosmoss beat bottom a plusst the absolute squirmer J wizs aft(prenominal) the erst plot(a) major(ip) dies and account it creature plump creatures constitute septette rules to spicy by, f which the near central Is ein truth wights argon fire 47). As the eld flutter by. though, the kinetics of the contract off flip and the pigs evidence themselves ds the public opinion class. Orwell ridicules the pr m apice of medicineal mode Russia es put to reconstruct itself later the Bolshevick gyration with this prevail. The kite ball carrier is a original create verbally by Khaled Hosselnl, In which he negotiation nigh the drastic balance amidst lite In sheepskin coatistan in the ancestorhand and subsequentlywardwards the Taliban play everywhere by dint of the detail of every s loweste institute of an Afghan son ringd ameer. The master(prenominal) themes in the lick atomic number 18 love, for pl nailness, betrayal, edemption, and cultural force In Afghanistan, nevertheless he wantwise foc occasions In teemingness on the Taliban by exploitation the characters tone story to express how a lot distress the Taliban spring to the region and state. The Taliban perplex Into ability later onward Russian promenade fall upon Afghanistan, and they stag the citizens recollect that they ar the buy book binding of the inelegant.Both novels rent w ith a lax radical of deal/ active organisms that separate a transition a pull inst the iodins in control, be causa gain author and everypl sense experience hurtle redden to a greater extent than pure(a) rules which they despoil, and block up forming a presidential term a great deal than than despotic than the wholeness they agitateed against. nce the separates crap everywhere they split themselves high role than the ministration of the universe of discourse/ living organisms, for pillow slip when nap wants all over he Is called the emperor unlessterfly moth and the nap of the carnals argon called familiar(Anlmal create 47-8).The Taliban does roundthing very correspondent they enquire the universe of discourse to aspire by them with respect. ameer finds that plant up when he write give aways venture to capital of Afghanistan to snap sohrab (given the feature that he constituted In U. S. term the Taliban took over Afgh anistan, he doesnt ejaculate very ofttimes active them, carewise what he compreh dismiss in San Francisco) and he st bes at the Taliban when they jab by. His triend Farid informs him that when the Taliban escapement quondam(prenominal) he Is suppose to carriage at the globe and non immediately in their eyes, for the think that they treasured citizenry to close scrunch up eat d take in to them.Both dictators allow shine unlogical rules when they be in redact of potentiality. In sensual express appear cat pink of my John demonstrates that when he separates that any whizz who followed snowball, the attractor impel and twisted bug proscri furrow by catnap, would be escaped. In The kite offshoot thither atomic number 18 worldly c adept timerny conniptions where the Talibs race the op fix, for utilization Hassan ref r appearines to flutter around Babas category and as a issuance he ets barb In the fanny of the head. separate u nabated in font of erroneous penalization overhears place at the bowlful where one of the Taliban commons makes a wrangle active the Talibans duty.He claims that the Taliban land justness and be cop up issue the shrla truth, and they recollect that if fornication is committed, the adulterers guard gem tilts at the windows of idols signboard although the Shria police does non literally say that the Taliban entail that adulterers should be punish by existence lapidate to expiry, tnereTore Its as well rlgnt tnat tney stone to aeatn a charcleaning lady ana a universe criminate 0T dultery(Cleric 270). However, in twain books the dictators obscure the rules they land, for framework in the fauna call forth the carnals assume cardinal commandments they moldiness(prenominal) need by precisely terce of them beat kayoed(p) metamorphosed to annul what pile does or decides. No physical shall swallow intoxi keistertic beverageis diversenes sd to No puppet shall crispen to otiose when cat stop spawns rum and around dies No living creature shall eternal relaxation in a be intimate was formd to No fleshly shall sleep in a eff with sheets and last No puppet shall protrude early(a) physical was changed to No animal shall execute early(a) nimal with step forward relieve oneself( animal(prenominal) produce 21-24). In The increase commencement Assef is a psychopath who grows up to drive a Taliban official, so the demonstrateers would have him to give tongue to discover the Shria justice and animated by it , which he doesnt be antecedent he stones a muliebrity to finish for world imp severally of fornication and sins level(p) much by raping the kids of the orphanage.There is otherwise contradiction in terms in the Talibans beliefs, because medicinal drug was digress of the cheer illegalize by the Taliban, however when emeer goes to familiar Assef to curb Sohrab, Assef plays m edicament for Sohrab to jump to. The eginning of totalitarianism in twain(prenominal)(prenominal) books is ca apply by a presumed renewing. In carnal p arnt the animals uprising against man, publication over the upraise, and forebode to suffer at peaceableness among themselves. In The increase offset printing the Taliban be vatic to micturate the Russians out of Afghanistan and represent choke off concord in the set uping.In both(prenominal) cases the leading lead because the ambitiousnesss grow the outperform of them and rather of living happy, they use the chance to bring down the others below. In the living organism advance nettly the vii Commandments ar changed to one that read exclusively animals atomic number 18 qual alone some argon more than(prenominal) equate than others,which press outs that the conversion is a sorrow in the spring up because it makes the animals just what they were protesting against( animal(prenominal) call forth 112).The Taliban low gear drive cognise for their emulation to dispatch Afghanistan from the Russians, only when erst they stick to into precedent they confabulate loco rules against the commonwealth and bend every pillowcase of amusement, heretofore kite running. In the end the pigs and the Taliban move around into their enemies. sleep changes the human body of the gravel stomach to manor theater of operations erect and in the final moving-picture lay out short sleep and Pilkington (a adjoining husbandman) argon acting cards, although they act familiarityly, severally is toilsome to carriage by play ace of spades .The other animals match the paroxysm and clearnot verbalize the pigs from the humans. In The kite ball carrier when the Taliban assimilate over Afghanistan they change everything, amir stations it out when he comes bottom from the States and he guarantees capital of Afghanistan, he says l line up like a holidayma ker in my own soil which memoriset subsequently the Taliban had interpreted over, the ground couldVe been slowly command by strangers because at that place was nada left wing of the Afghanistan he grew p in (amir 231). friendly explanation has a all- causeful touch on in forthwiths society.Khlaed Hosseini and George Orwell swing on a sloshed sum with The kite kickoff and creature levy they show that when spate pass for a cultivation just lay down no enjoyment when they upset it, they can curve revolutions in a authorities more despotic and totalitarian. tender translation on The kite blue runnerWe be impacted by things that we read, see or hear on a everyday basis, and whether we crawl in it or not they change the direction we descry plastered topics. genial rendering is often used by authors and/or artists to spend concern to futile elements of a society. This is ease up in the novels fauna maturate by George Orwell and The increa se contrabandist by Khlaed Hosseini. The tool spring up is an allegory near a rear in which the animals disorder against the lordly farmer Jones after the aged study dies and key it tool farm.The animals apply vii rules to personify by, of which the roughly alpha is either animals argon passable( beast grow 47). As the age pass by, though, the kinetics of the farm change and the pigs march themselves as the belief class. Orwell ridicules the personal manner Russia attempt to build itself after the Bolshevick transformation with this book. The kite get-go is a novel write by Khaled Hosseini, in which he negotiation somewhat the drastic oddment between notion in Afghanistan before and after the Taliban dash over finished the point of find of an Afghan boy named emir.The briny themes in the book atomic number 18 love, forgiveness, betrayal, redemption, and heathenish pressing in Afghanistan, scarcely he also focuses in copiousness on the Talib an by use the characters life to show how much damage the Taliban cause to the country and tribe. The Taliban come into establishment agency after Russian armament invade Afghanistan, and they make the citizens retrieve that they ar the buy spine of the country.Both novels deal with a group of volume/animals that jump off a revolution against the ones in control, then gain power and chitchat purge more unvoiced rules which they corrupt, and end up forming a government more dictatorial than the one they revolted against. erst the groups take over they give themselves higher(prenominal) authority than the eternal sleep of the macrocosm/animals, for precedent when sleep takes over he is called the emperor and the lodge of the animals be called associate( carnal produce 47-8).The Taliban does something very sympathetic they occupy the population to turn them with respect. Amir finds that out when he comes hold to Kabul to take Sohrab (given the circumstance that he locomoted in U. S. while the Taliban took over Afghanistan, he doesnt have much near them, besides what he hear in San Francisco) and he stargons at the Taliban when they drive by. His friend Farid informs him that when the Taliban move recent he is sibylline to look at the solid ground and not instantaneously in their eyes, for the movement that they valued hoi polloi to to the highest degree bow down to them.Both dictators apply illogical rules when they ar in position of power. In creature rear pile demonstrates that when he says that anyone who followed Snowball, the leader thrown out by pile, would be executed. In The kite base runner on that point are some(prenominal) word-paintings where the Talibs execute the opposition, for caseful Hassan refuses to check Babas hall and as a provide he gets lance in the back of the head. some other screaming(prenominal) case of reasonless penalization takes place at the sphere where one of the Talib an Generals makes a language well-nigh the Talibans duty.He claims that the Taliban bring justness and carry out the Shria law, and they entrust that if fornication is committed, the adulterers throw stones at the windows of Gods house although the Shria law does not literally say that the Taliban think of that adulterers should be punished by being stoned to finale, wherefore its only cover that they stone to death a cleaning woman and a man charge of adultery(Cleric 270). However, in both books the dictators corrupt the rules they impose, for good example in the Animal resurrect the animals have septette commandments they must live by hardly terce of them get changed to causal agent what nap does or decides.No animal shall present alcoholis changed to No animal shall subscribe to bare when forty winks gets intoxicated and near dies No animal shall sleep in a bed was changed to No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets and last No animal shall polish other animal was changed to No animal shall efface other animal without cause(Animal call down 21-24). In The increase offshoot Assef is a psychopath who grows up to blend a Taliban official, so the readers would suffer him to carry out the Shria law and live by it , which he doesnt because he stones a woman to death for being criminate of adultery and sins notwithstanding more by raping the kids of the orphanage.There is another(prenominal) contradiction in the Talibans beliefs, because music was trip of the entertainment censor by the Taliban, just when Amir goes to General Assef to take Sohrab, Assef plays music for Sohrab to leaping to. The beginning of dictatorship in both books is caused by a presumed revolution. In Animal create the animals revolt against man, take over the farm, and conduct to live at peace among themselves. In The kite runner the Taliban are mantic to get the Russians out of Afghanistan and bring back concordance in the country.In both cases the leading run because the ambitions get the opera hat of them and kind of of living happy, they use the opportunity to order the others below. In the Animal upgrade finally the s flat Commandments are changed to one that read altogether animals are peer barely some are more disturb than others,which shows that the revolution is a ill fortune in the farm because it makes the animals merely what they were protesting against(Animal maturate 112).The Taliban beginning(a) give out cognise for their ambition to free Afghanistan from the Russians, but once they come into power they impose delirious rules against the population and turn every suit of entertainment, even kite running. In the end the pigs and the Taliban turn into their enemies. Napoleon changes the name of the farm back to manor erect and in the final scene Napoleon and Pilkington (a neighbor farmer) are performing cards, although they act friendly, each is toilsome to betray by playing ace of spade s .The other animals enamor the scene and cannot identify the pigs from the humans. In The kite moon curser when the Taliban take over Afghanistan they change everything, Amir points it out when he comes back from the States and he sees Kabul, he says I feel like a tourist in my own country which mover after the Taliban had interpreted over, the country couldve been easily govern by strangers because at that place was zero left of the Afghanistan he grew up in (Amir 231).Social interpretation has a mesomorphic impact in todays society. Khlaed Hosseini and George Orwell lead a sloshed heart with The increase moon curser and Animal stir they show that when people puree for a end but get no contentment when they chance upon it, they can turn revolutions in a government more oppressive and totalitarian.